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Nose care oil «MEGRE», 10 ml.

Price: 8.99€ 9.80€

Status: Out of stock


Nose care oil of the «MEGRE» series is an effective natural remedy for strengthening the immune system and as a prevention of colds during the cold season. Cedar resin has a powerful antibacterial and antiviral effect, cedar oil nourishes and softens the skin.

Unlike traditional medicinal vasoconstrictors for the common cold, it does not increase blood pressure and does not dry the nasal mucosa. Suitable for people with hypertension (suffering from high blood pressure) and people with vasomotor rhinitis, including allergic ones.

How to use:

For sinusitis and runny nose, rub 3-4 drops from the outside into the area of the maxillary sinuses, at the same time drip into the nose 2 drops 2 times a day. Use until complete recovery.

For the prevention of influenza, SARS, instill oil 1 drop 1 time per day. After the instilling of oil into the nose, a slight burning sensation may occur, which quickly passes.

It is allowed to use the oil for a long period (2-3 months) without interruption. The oil is not addictive, unlike vasoconstrictor drugs.

Contraindications: Individual component intolerance.

Warning! Before applying, you should check your allergy predisposition. To do this, put 3-5 drops of oil on the back of your hand and rub them in. If no red spots appear on the rubbing area during the day, you can start applying the oil.

Ingredients: cedar nut oil 90%, cedar resin 10%.

Shelf life: 18 months.

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